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Bannière "System change, not climate change" (Le système change, pas le climat) à l'Ende Gelände 2017 en Allemagne.
Pays en fonction de leurs indice de performance du changement climatique https://ccpi.org/

Lemouvement pour le climat,mouvement pro-climatique, mouvements en faveurs de la préservation du climat, est un mouvement social global qui à pour but de pousser les gouvernements et industries a mener des actions pro-climatique (il en existe deux type, l'Adaptation au changement climatique et l'Atténuation du changement climatique) addressing the causes and impacts of climate change. Although its roots stem from the broader environmental movement, climate activism gained significant momentum in the 2010s, particularly following the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2016.[1] The movement has recently been characterized by mass mobilization and large scale protest actions such as the 2014 People's Climate March, 2017 Global Climate March and September 2019 climate strikes. Youth activism and involvement has played an important part in the evolution of the movement after the growth of the Fridays For Future strikes started by Greta Thunberg.[1]

  1. ^ a b Maher, Julie. "Fridays For Future: A Look Into A Climate Change Movement". Retrieved 1 February 2022.