Natural nuclear fission reactor

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A natural nuclear fission reactor is a uranium deposit where self-sustaining nuclear chain reactions occur. The conditions under which a natural nuclear reactor could exist were predicted in 1956 by Paul Kuroda.[1] The remnants of an extinct or fossil nuclear fission reactor, where self-sustaining nuclear reactions have occurred in the past, are verified by analysis of isotope ratios of uranium and of the fission products (and the stable daughter nuclides of those fission products). This was first discovered in 1972 in Oklo, Gabon by researchers from French Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA) under conditions very similar to Kuroda's predictions.

Oklo is the only location where this phenomenon is known to have occurred, and consists of 16 sites with patches of centimeter-sized ore layers. There, self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions are thought to have taken place approximately 1.7 billion years ago, during the Statherian period of the Paleoproterozoic, and continued for a few hundred thousand years, probably averaging less than 100 kW of thermal power during that time.[2][3][4] During that era, life on Earth consisted of little more than aquatic single-cell organisms.

The "Oklo phenomenon" was discovered in June 1972 by the laboratory at the uranium enrichment plant in Pierrelatte, France. Routine analysis of a sample of natural uranium revealed a slight but abnormal deficit of uranium 235 (235U)6. The normal proportion of 235U is 0.7202%, whereas this sample showed only 0.7171%. As the quantities of fissile isotopes are precisely catalogued, this discrepancy had to be explained, so an investigation was launched by CEA on samples from all the mines operated by CEA in France, Gabon and Niger, and at all stages of ore processing and uranium purification.

For uranium and 235U analyses, CEA's Production Division relies on the Analytical Laboratory at the Pierrelatte plant and on CEA's Central Analysis and Control Laboratory at Cadarache, headed by Michele Neuilly, where Jean François Dozol is in charge of mass spectrometry analyses.

Discovery of the Oklo fossil reactors[edit]

Analyses carried out at Pierrelatte and Cadarache showed that magnesium uranates (or yellow cakes) from Gabon had a variable but constant 235U depletion. On July 7, 1972, researchers at Cadarache discovered an anomaly in uranium ore from Oklo in Gabon. Its 235U content was much lower than usual.[5] Isotopic analyses revealed the origin of the 235U depletion: the depleted uranium came from Oklo ore in Gabon, mined by COMUF. A systematic analysis campaign was then carried out in the Cadarache and Pierrelatte laboratories (uranium content measurements, isotopic content measurements). On Oklo samples, Cadarache analysts noted a 235U depletion for magnesium uranate from the Mounana plant (235U = 0.625%) and an even greater depletion for a magnesium uranate (Oklo M) (235U = 0.440%): Oklo 310 and 311 ores have uranium contents of 12% and 46% respectively, and 235U contents of 0.592% and 0.625%.[6][7]

In this context, J.F. Dozol took the initiative of analyzing magnesium uranate and ore samples from Oklo on the AEI MS 702 Spark Source Mass Spectrometer (SSMS).

The advantage of the SSMS is its ability to produce substantial quantities of ions from all the elements present in the electrodes. The electrodes, between which a spark is generated, have to be conductive (to achieve this, Oklo samples were mixed with high-purity silver). All the isotopes in the sample, from lithium to uranium, are plotted on a photo plate. On examining the plate (see below), J.F. Dozol noted in particular the very high uranium content of Oklo 311 ore:

  • elements present in significant quantities around masses 85-105 and 130-150, corresponding to the two bumps of 235U fission yields. (The mass distribution of fission products follows a "camel's hump" curve, with two maxima),
  • the last lanthanides (holmium to lutetium) are not detected (beyond mass 166). In nature, all 14 lanthanides are found; in nuclear fuel, having undergone fission reactions, the isotopes of the last lanthanides are not detected.
Photo plate obtained for the OKLO 311 sample by spark mass spectrometry analysis and which reveals all the isotopes present in the sample.

The next step is isotopic analysis of certain elements on a thermal ionization mass spectrometer, after chemical separation of neodymium and samarium. From the first analyses of Oklo "M" uranate and "Oklo 311" ore, it is clear that neodymium and samarium have an isotopic composition much closer to that found in irradiated fuel than to that of the natural element. The detection of 142Nd and 144Sm isotopes not produced by fission indicates that these elements are also present in the natural state, from which their contribution can be subtracted.[8][9]

These results were passed on to neutron scientist Jean Claude Nimal (CEA Saclay), who estimated the neutron flux received by the analyzed sample on the basis of its 235U deficit. This made it possible to estimate the neutron capture by the isotopes 143Nd and 145Nd, leading to the additional formation of 144Nd and 146Nd respectively. This excess must be subtracted to obtain fission yields for uranium 235.[10] As can be seen from the table below, the fission yields (M) agree with the results corrected (C) for the presence of natural neodymium and neutron capture.[11][12]

Nd 143 144 145 146 148 150
C/M 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.98 1.06

Fission product isotope signatures[edit]

Isotope signatures of natural neodymium and fission product neodymium from 235
which had been subjected to thermal neutrons.


The neodymium found at Oklo has a different isotopic composition to that of natural neodymium: the latter contains 27% 142
, while that of Oklo contains less than 6%. The 142
is not produced by fission; the ore contains both fission-produced and natural neodymium. From this 142
content, we can subtract the natural neodymium and gain access to the isotopic composition of neodymium produced by the fission of 235
. The two isotopes 143
and 145
lead to the formation of 144
and 146
by neutron capture, and this excess must be corrected (see above) to obtain perfect agreement between this corrected isotopic composition and that deduced from fission yields.


Isotope signatures of natural ruthenium and fission product ruthenium from 235
which had been subjected to thermal neutrons. The 100
(an extremely long-lived double beta emitter) has not had time to decay to 100
in more than trace quantities over the time since the reactors stopped working.

Similar investigations into the isotopic ratios of ruthenium at Oklo found a much higher 99
concentration than otherwise naturally occurring (27–30% vs. 12.7%). This anomaly could be explained by the decay of 99
to 99
. In the bar chart the normal natural isotope signature of ruthenium is compared with that for fission product ruthenium which is the result of the fission of 235
with thermal neutrons. It is clear that the fission ruthenium has a different isotope signature. The level of 100
in the fission product mixture is low because fission produces neutron rich isotopes which subsequently beta decay and 100
would only be produced in appreciable quantities by double beta decay of the very long-lived (half life 7.1×1018 years) molybdenum isotope 100
. On the timescale of when the reactors were in operation, very little (about 0.17 ppb) decay to 100
will have occurred. Other pathways of 100
production like neutron capture in 99
or 99
(quickly followed by beta decay) can only have occurred during high neutron flux and thus ceased when the fission chain reaction stopped.

Reactor formation mechanism[edit]

During reactor operation, the water temperature rose significantly, accelerating the “de-silicification” process and, by difference, increasing the uranium concentration, thus compensating for its depletion in 235U by fission.  Indeed, the uranium concentration in the reaction zones is extremely high, sometimes over 50%, and the higher the uranium concentration, the lower the 235U content. In addition, by losing its silica, the surrounding sandstone has turned into clay, with a high alumina content, preventing excessive groundwater migration and holding the uranium in place.

The good irrigation of the ore by the infiltrating water, which acted as a moderator, was due to the very high porosity of the terrain caused by the desilicification of the sandstone in the presence of water. This reduced the original volume of the sandstone by a factor of 7, reducing the thickness of the uranium deposit from 5 meters to 80 cm. The Oklo reactors were self-created, concentrating the uranium from near and far.

Minerals destroyed in the reactor cores by neutron bombardment were easily dissolved by this fluid. The heat released by the nuclear reactions set in motion a powerful thermal siphon. Under these conditions, certain elements, notably silica, whose solubility increases greatly with temperature, were able to be evacuated in large quantities. As a result, the mineralized layer sandstones were dissolved and the poorly soluble uranium dioxide concentrated in the thin mineralized space of the reaction zones, where it recrystallized in the form of uraninite. As alumina is much less soluble than silica under hydrothermal conditions, the gangue became enriched in alumina relative to silica and, once the reactions had stopped, gave rise to aluminum phosphate, which forms rapidly under hydrothermal conditions between 270 and 300°C, from the phosphate and aluminum resulting from sandstone desilification.[13]

During each active period of operation of the Oklo reactor and for some time afterwards, while the temperature remained high, much of the xenon gas (including the isotopes 136Xe and 134Xe, which were generated relatively quickly) was vented. As the reactor cooled, the longer-lived xenon precursors (those that would later give rise to the isotopes 132Xe, 131Xe and 129Xe) were preferentially incorporated into the cage-like structure of the aluminum phosphate minerals, capable of retaining the xenon gas created within them, even at high temperatures. Then, as more water returned to the reaction zone, the fission reactions restarted.

Xenon isotope analysis[edit]

Mishik's xenon analyses of Oklo ore grains, carried out after xenon extraction by laser microprobe and rare gas mass spectrometry, demonstrate that a large quantity of xenon from uranium fission is not found in the uranium where the fission reactions took place, but in the aluminum phosphate crystal structures. Xenon is not a product formed directly by fission; for example, uranium fission leads to the isotopes 97Mo and 137Sn:

The isotopes 97Mo and 137Sn, directly derived from the fission of uranium, are unstable: an excess neutron is transformed into a proton and an electron, expelled from the nucleus in the form of β-radiation. So, before reaching a stable state, the decay chain from antimony (Sb) to the stable barium isotope (Ba) passes through the following stages by emission β-  :137Sn,137Sb,137Te,137Sn,137I, 137Xe,137Cs,137Ba stable.

The formation of the various xenon isotopes depends on the lifetime of their precursors. 136Xe is formed within a minute of the fission reaction, 134Xe after about an hour, 132Xe and 131Xe within a few days, and 129Xe alone after millions of years. The radioactive half-lives of tellurium, iodine and xenon are shown in the following table:

129 130 131 132 134 136
Tellurium 69,6 min 790 x 1018 a 25,0 min 3,20 j 41,8 min 17,6 s
Iodine 16,14 106 a 12,36 h 8,0 j 2,29 h 52,5 min 83,4 s
Xenon stable stable stable stable stable stable

The first surprise on analysis was the location of the xenon, contrary to the expectations, it was not found in significant quantities in uranium-rich mineral grains, but in aluminum phosphate minerals, which contain no uranium. The second was that the extracted gas had a very different isotopic composition from that usually produced in nuclear reactors. It had apparently lost a large proportion of 136Xe and 134Xe.

Compared with known fission spectra, the xenon analyzed is enriched in 131Xe, 132Xe and, to a lesser extent, 129Xe and 134Xe. These anomalies are due to the chemical fractionation of xenon from the precursors (iodine and tellurium) in the isobaric decay chains. At the temperatures prevailing during the active periods of the Oklo reactor (300 - 450o C), gaseous iodine and xenon can easily diffuse out of the uranium oxides, unlike tellurium. When the fission reaction is halted, the temperature drops, and the xenon formed from tellurium begins to incorporate into the aluminum phosphate. From then on, the accumulation of each xenon isotope must be proportional to the decay time of the corresponding tellurium isotope.

Meshik calculated the isotopic composition of tellurium as a function of two variables: the reactor's operating time and its cooling time when xenon retention begins. He found a good and unique match between the model and the three Xe ratios observed in aluminum phosphate with the parameters reactor running time (30 min) and reactor cooling time (150 min).  

As only one reactor was studied, it is likely that the various Oklo reactors operated discontinuously, but not necessarily with the same chronology.

Mishik is grateful to Don Bogard and Paul K. Kuroda, with whom the idea of the Oklo reactor thermal cycle was conceived.[14]

A graph showing the exponential decay of Uranium-235 over time.
Change of content of Uranium-235 in natural uranium. The content was 3.65% 2 billion years ago.

Operation of the Oklo reactor[edit]

A key factor that made the reaction possible was that, at the time the reactor went critical 1.7 billion years ago, the fissile isotope 235
made up about 3.1% of the natural uranium, which is comparable to the amount used in some of today's reactors. (The remaining 96.9% was non-fissile 238
and roughly 55 ppm 234
.) Because 235
has a shorter half-life than 238
, and thus decays more rapidly, the current abundance of 235
in natural uranium is only 0.72%. A natural nuclear reactor is therefore no longer possible on Earth without heavy water or graphite.[15]

The Oklo uranium ore deposits are the only known sites in which natural nuclear reactors existed. Other rich uranium ore bodies would also have had sufficient uranium to support nuclear reactions at that time, but the combination of uranium, water, and physical conditions needed to support the chain reaction was unique, as far as is currently known, to the Oklo ore bodies. It is also possible that other natural nuclear fission reactors were once operating but have since been geologically disturbed so much as to be unrecognizable, possibly even "diluting" the uranium so far that the isotope ratio would no longer serve as a "fingerprint". Only a small part of the continental crust and no part of the oceanic crust reaches the age of the deposits at Oklo or an age during which isotope ratios of natural uranium would have allowed a self sustaining chain reaction with water as a moderator.

Another factor which probably contributed to the start of the Oklo natural nuclear reactor at 2 billion years, rather than earlier, was the increasing oxygen content in the Earth's atmosphere.[4] Uranium is naturally present in the rocks of the earth, and the abundance of fissile 235
was at least 3% or higher at all times prior to reactor startup. Uranium is soluble in water only in the presence of oxygen.[citation needed] Therefore, increasing oxygen levels during the aging of the Earth may have allowed uranium to be dissolved and transported with groundwater to places where a high enough concentration could accumulate to form rich uranium ore bodies. Without the new aerobic environment available on Earth at the time, these concentrations probably could not have taken place.

It is estimated that nuclear reactions in the uranium in centimeter- to meter-sized veins consumed about five tons of 235
and elevated temperatures to a few hundred degrees Celsius.[4][16] Most of the non-volatile fission products and actinides have only moved centimeters in the veins during the last 2 billion years.[4] Studies have suggested this as a useful natural analogue for nuclear waste disposal.[17] The overall mass defect from the fission of five tons of 235
is about 4.6 kilograms (10 lb). Over its lifetime the reactor produced roughly 100 megatonnes of TNT (420 PJ) in thermal energy, including neutrinos. If one ignores fission of plutonium (which makes up roughly a third of fission events over the course of normal burnup in modern human-made light water reactors), then fission product yields amount to roughly 129 kilograms (284 lb) of technetium-99 (since decayed to ruthenium-99), 108 kilograms (238 lb) of zirconium-93 (since decayed to niobium-93), 198 kilograms (437 lb) of caesium-135 (since decayed to barium-135, but the real value is probably lower as its parent nuclide, xenon-135, is a strong neutron poison and will have absorbed neutrons before decaying to 135
in some cases), 28 kilograms (62 lb) of palladium-107 (since decayed to silver), 86 kilograms (190 lb) of strontium-90 (long since decayed to zirconium), and 185 kilograms (408 lb) of caesium-137 (long since decayed to barium).

Relation to the atomic fine-structure constant[edit]

The natural reactor of Oklo has been used to check if the atomic fine-structure constant α might have changed over the past 2 billion years. That is because α influences the rate of various nuclear reactions. For example, 149
captures a neutron to become 150
, and since the rate of neutron capture depends on the value of α, the ratio of the two samarium isotopes in samples from Oklo can be used to calculate the value of α from 2 billion years ago.

Several studies have analysed the relative concentrations of radioactive isotopes left behind at Oklo, and most have concluded that nuclear reactions then were much the same as they are today, which implies that α was the same too.[18][19][20]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Kuroda, P. K. (1956). "On the Nuclear Physical Stability of the Uranium Minerals". Journal of Chemical Physics. 25 (4): 781–782, 1295–1296. Bibcode:1956JChPh..25..781K. doi:10.1063/1.1743058.
  2. ^ Meshik, A. P. (November 2005). "The Workings of an Ancient Nuclear Reactor". Scientific American. 293 (5): 82–6, 88, 90–1. Bibcode:2005SciAm.293e..82M. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1105-82. PMID 16318030.
  3. ^ Mervin, Evelyn (July 13, 2011). "Nature's Nuclear Reactors: The 2-Billion-Year-Old Natural Fission Reactors in Gabon, Western Africa". Retrieved July 7, 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d Gauthier-Lafaye, F.; Holliger, P.; Blanc, P.-L. (1996). "Natural fission reactors in the Franceville Basin, Gabon: a review of the conditions and results of a "critical event" in a geologic system". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 60 (23): 4831–4852. Bibcode:1996GeCoA..60.4831G. doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(96)00245-1.
  5. ^ L'aval du cycle nucléaire,
  6. ^ C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 275 (23 octobre 1972) GÉOCHIMIE NUCLÉAIRE. - Sur l'existence dans un passé reculé d'une réaction en chaîne naturelle de fissions, dans le gisement d'uranium d'Oklo (Gabon). Note (*) de Mlle Michèle Neuilly, MM. Jean Bussac, Claude Frèjacques, Guy Nief, Georges Vendryes et Jacques Yvon, présentée par M. Francis Perrin.
  7. ^ Naudet, Roger (1991). Oklo: des réacteurs nucléaires fossiles. Etude physique [Oklo: fossil nuclear reactors. Physical study] (in French). Eyrolles. pp. Introduction page IX. ISBN 2-7272-0155-9.
  8. ^ Jean-Francois Dozol, Michele Neuilly, Isotopic analysis of the rare earths contained in the Oklo ores, IAEA; Vienna; Symposium on the Oklo phenomenon; Libreville, Gabon; 23 Jun 1975; IAEA-SM--204/29, vol. Proceedings series, no IAEA-SM--204/29, 1975, p. 357–369
  9. ^ Dozol, Jean-François (2023). "From routine sample measurements in CEA to the Oklo phenomenon". Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 199 (18): 2258–2261. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncad014. PMID 37934987.
  10. ^ M. E. Meek and B. F. Rider, Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Pleasanton, Calif., NEDO-12154-1. Nouvelle edition, 1974
  11. ^ J.C. Nimal, Historical simulations of Oklo cores, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, vol. Volume 199, Issue18, novembre 2023, p. 2262–2268
  12. ^ P. Girard, Compte rendu SFEN, vol. CR Conf 17 octobre 2018-Marseille, 2018
  13. ^ Weber, Francis (19–21 December 1977). Histoire géologique des zones de réacteurs IAEA-TC-119. Procedings on natural fission reactors held in Paris. pp. 623–629.
  14. ^ Meshik, Alex (2005). "The Workings of an Ancient Nuclear Reactor". Scientific American. 293 (5): 82–6, 88, 90–1. (5): 23–27. Bibcode:2005SciAm.293e..82M. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1105-82. PMID 16318030 – via Bibcode:2005SciAm.293e..82M. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1105-82. PMID 16318030.
  15. ^ Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. p. 1257. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.
  16. ^ De Laeter, J. R.; Rosman, K. J. R.; Smith, C. L. (1980). "The Oklo Natural Reactor: Cumulative Fission Yields and Retentivity of the Symmetric Mass Region Fission Products". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 50 (1): 238–246. Bibcode:1980E&PSL..50..238D. doi:10.1016/0012-821X(80)90135-1.
  17. ^ Gauthier-Lafaye, F. (2002). "2 billion year old natural analogs for nuclear waste disposal: the natural nuclear fission reactors in Gabon (Africa)". Comptes Rendus Physique. 3 (7–8): 839–849. Bibcode:2002CRPhy...3..839G. doi:10.1016/S1631-0705(02)01351-8.
  18. ^ New Scientist: Oklo Reactor and fine-structure value. June 30, 2004.
  19. ^ Petrov, Yu. V.; Nazarov, A. I.; Onegin, M. S.; Sakhnovsky, E. G. (2006). "Natural nuclear reactor at Oklo and variation of fundamental constants: Computation of neutronics of a fresh core". Physical Review C. 74 (6): 064610. arXiv:hep-ph/0506186. Bibcode:2006PhRvC..74f4610P. doi:10.1103/PHYSREVC.74.064610. S2CID 118272311.
  20. ^ Davis, Edward D.; Hamdan, Leila (2015). "Reappraisal of the limit on the variation in α implied by the Oklo natural fission reactors". Physical Review C. 92 (1): 014319. arXiv:1503.06011. Bibcode:2015PhRvC..92a4319D. doi:10.1103/physrevc.92.014319. S2CID 119227720.


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